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The maximum number of error reports to queue on a system must be configured to 50 or greater.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-57473 WN08-ER-000015 SV-71749r1_rule ECSC-1 Medium
The error reporting queue is stored locally on the system and contains the error reports until they have been manually removed or automatically sent to the local collector or DOD-wide collector (if defined). Once a report has been sent to a collector, it is moved to the report archive. Old reports are deleted as new ones arrive once the maximum limit has been met.
Windows 8 / 8.1 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2015-06-24


Check Text ( None )
Fix Text (F-62541r2_fix)
Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Windows Error Reporting -> Advanced Error Reporting Settings -> "Configure Report Queue" to "Enabled" with "Maximum number of reports to queue:" set to "50" or greater.